Steve took off on a random Friday and we had some good one-on-one time with Olivia. It is important that the kids get this time to be with Mom & Dad without brother/sister around. The attention is all on them.
And...Olivia was pefect all day. No issues. No tantrums. No disobedience. Olivia does really well when she doesn't have to compete for attention.
We ate lunch at Tibby's, one of our favorites. After, we went to City Park in Winter Park to play on their awesome playground.
Thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving with Gramma and G-Daddy. It is so, so nice to have family in town to spend holidays with.
We are in a state of transition at the Whittington house. We start decorating for Christmas on Thanksgiving day and then really get into it on Black Friday.
The weather in Orlando is just perfection this time of year. We make sure to spend as much time as we can outside. You know how up north, people kind of hunker down for the winter? We do that in the summer. It is too hot out. But fall, winter and spring? Wonderful.
Olivia is ever the ham. She loves taking selfies and making silly faces.
Will is really working on his handwriting. He gets better every day.