Saturday, August 27, 2016

Starting to sink in

It is starting to sink in.  We are moving.  The movers are booked for September 8th at 8am.  We close the very next day.  5203 Abelia Drive will no longer be our home.  It will belong to Daniel Afghani.  I met him at the inspection.  He seems very nice.

But this has been our home.

From the crazy spider issue.  Oh my, the brown widows.  Did I ever share that story on this blog?  In our mailbox, I would find these white, spiky baslls that I knew were spider eggs.  Will brought home this jar to collect insects in and I thought, cool...we can watch the spiders hatch.  I then went to Google where I found that spiky white spider eggs are only indicative of one species: the brown widow spider.  It looks just like a black widow, but is brown and is nearly as venomous.  And each spiky egg?  It is actually an egg sack which holds about 200 spider eggs.  I basically dowsed the eggs and threw them in the lake,  Holy moly.

To our neighbors' crazy issues.  The Hales.  Oh, how I feel bad for the Hales.  They had the sink hole issue, which caused enough problems, but then they never had their septic drained.  It started seeping into their bathroom and their carpet.  They had to get a new septic field excavated.  Will was at least excited to watch.  I just hope this construction is done before we move.  Mr. Afghani might not like a bunch of construction.  Still, I will miss Melly.  She has been a good neighbor.

The tree.  I love this tree.  It will have to come down soon enough.  I remember putting it up like it was yesterday.

And our pool that we just had resurfaced.  Look how pretty!  I am going to miss the pool and the view.

It is starting to hit me. 

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