Wednesday, August 31, 2016

A Brief Disney Break

Sometimes, it is nice to take a little break.  From all of the move stuff to the new school is time for Steve's annual conference at the Contemporary.  Conference at Contemporary = free hotel stay for us.  How could we not?

The kids were just a little excited.  We did still go to school every day.  I made them go to bed at a good time.  This presented a problem.  The water parade comes at 10:30.  When Will learned that he would not be able to stay up to watch it, he cried.  Steve told me he would have let him.  So, I woke Will up to watch the parade and it was a nice little moment for the two of us.  We did not get to go to the park much though because it was really rainy.  The kids were a little bummed about that, but I enjoyed just being at the hotel with my little loves.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It's Real

Today, we closed on our new home.  I had to do it on my own because Steve is at his conference.  I had to sign every line "Lauren Whittington attorney in fact for Steven Whittington" .

It is surreal.  We own the Hempel House.

After the closing, I went and walked through it.  It does not seem real.  It doesn't seem like home yet. I am sure in time it will be.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Starting to sink in

It is starting to sink in.  We are moving.  The movers are booked for September 8th at 8am.  We close the very next day.  5203 Abelia Drive will no longer be our home.  It will belong to Daniel Afghani.  I met him at the inspection.  He seems very nice.

But this has been our home.

From the crazy spider issue.  Oh my, the brown widows.  Did I ever share that story on this blog?  In our mailbox, I would find these white, spiky baslls that I knew were spider eggs.  Will brought home this jar to collect insects in and I thought, cool...we can watch the spiders hatch.  I then went to Google where I found that spiky white spider eggs are only indicative of one species: the brown widow spider.  It looks just like a black widow, but is brown and is nearly as venomous.  And each spiky egg?  It is actually an egg sack which holds about 200 spider eggs.  I basically dowsed the eggs and threw them in the lake,  Holy moly.

To our neighbors' crazy issues.  The Hales.  Oh, how I feel bad for the Hales.  They had the sink hole issue, which caused enough problems, but then they never had their septic drained.  It started seeping into their bathroom and their carpet.  They had to get a new septic field excavated.  Will was at least excited to watch.  I just hope this construction is done before we move.  Mr. Afghani might not like a bunch of construction.  Still, I will miss Melly.  She has been a good neighbor.

The tree.  I love this tree.  It will have to come down soon enough.  I remember putting it up like it was yesterday.

And our pool that we just had resurfaced.  Look how pretty!  I am going to miss the pool and the view.

It is starting to hit me. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Olivia's First Day of Preschool

It's Livi's turn!!!  Today is Olivia's first day of preschool!

It is time for her to begin her journey at St. Luke's.  We love St. Luke's so much.  I have often said that I wish it were a private school where I could send both kids for their whole education.  But alas, St. Luke's will only hold my children for 3 years each and this is the start for Olivia.

She will be in the 2's Plus class with Miss Bridget and Miss Dinorah.  Unlike Will, she will attend from 9-1:50 each day.  For some strange reason, I picked up Will at 12:20.  First kid, I guess.  

Olivia is so, so excited.  Also, unlike Will, Olivia marched right into her class, waved goodbye and started playing with toys.  She looked at all of the crying kids like they were crazy.  My girl is so independent and loves to do her own thing.

I know she is going to love preschool.  Here, she will really develop socially and learn lots of new things.  

I was SHOCKED to see Olivia, sound asleep at pickup.  WITHOUT A PACI!!! Miss Bridget and Miss Dinorah must work some kind of magic.  Look at my little angel!

She is so happy and my heart burst for her as she embarks on this new journey.

Monday, August 15, 2016

First Day of Kindergarten!!!

Today was Will's first day of Kindergarten!  I can hardly believe it.  My sweet little boy is growing so fast.

A blogger from the Orlando Sentinel wrote this.  I cannot agree more;
Dear Kindergarten,
I see you.
You're here. Already.
And I have a few things to say to you.
I got your list. I've met your demands.
You want ten glue sticks?
You got 'em.
Antibacterial soap?
24 sharpened number 2 pencils? Done!
We've been reading and doing flash cards. We've practiced writing.
We know what you want...
and we're ready.
Well, mostly.
There's one thing I'm struggling with.
You see, kindergarten, this boy I'm sending you is my heart.
He is my whole world.
And I worry that walking through your doors will be the start of a journey that will change him.
And us.
I know he'll experience wonderful things... from great new friends to the amazing art and music rooms we saw when we took your tour.
But for me, kindergarten, you also represent a new chapter.
The next several years will set the foundation for the kind of man he becomes. There have been limited influences on that since he was born.
Now there will be many.
So, here's my promise to you, kindergarten.
His dad and I will do our best.
We know home is where it starts.
We are ultimately responsible for his character and his choices.
We will work hard to ensure we are sending you a respectful, considerate and enthusiastic kid everyday.
Now here's what I need from you:
Please keep him safe.
Please be kind to him.
Please let him be a kid.
Letting him go to you and all you represent for years to come is very hard for me.
But like millions of other parents, I will move forward with faith.
I'll let go and hope for the best.
I've decided not to sit in the school parking lot all day.
That would be, well... weird.
But I will be waiting.
I know it will get easier everyday... especially when I see how much he enjoys you.
But let's work together, ok?
For him and all the children headed your way... let's do our very best.
Thanks, Kindergarten.
We'll see you Monday.
Benjamin's Mom

He is so excited to go to Thornebrooke Elementary and meet all of the new friends in Ms. Shields' class.  We went last week and got to see his desk and where everything is.  

He is especially excited that his friend Jaxson is in his class.  We knew 2 kids going to Thornebrooke and the one who he considers a good buddy is the one in his class.

It is kind of weird to have our first day photos happen at Gramma's house, but our house will be ready soon enough.  

I am so excited about all of the great things he is going to learn.  He will start to read this year.  He will eat lunch with friends every day.  He will go on field trips.

I still cannot believe that I am going to drive up to a building every day and my sweet, innocent boy is going to get out of the car and enter said building without me.  How does that even happen?

But I know he will be good and strong and he will learn and grow.  

Look at this sweetness!

All ready to go in his class.

At the Boo Hoo Breakfast.  Olivia is mad because she wants it to be HER first day.

And then, the car line.  There is a lightning delay.  School let out at 3:00.  Will got in my car at 4:20.  Sigh. 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Tummy Bug

Oh....the tummy bug has hit and it is nasty.

Middle of the night, Monday night, Will let out a howl.  We thought it was a bad dream at first.  We tried to comfort him and then he started making a gagging noise.  Mind you, the kids are currently sleeping on air mattresses in Gramma and G-Daddy's respective closets.  Steve scooped him up as quickly a possible and I ushered him to the bathroom where he lost it...ribs from the night before.

He got some of it on the sheets of his air mattress, but Steve was able to catch it and not get any vomit on the floor.  Sheets were immediately soaked and thrown in the washer.  He still felt nauseous, so I sat with him in the floor of the bathroom.  All night long.

He was fine the next day, but then threw up again in the middle of the night.  Then again the next night.  I began to Google.  Oh, how it scared me.  I read multiple listings of how vomiting only in middle of night could be a sign of a brain tumor.  One mom said that if only she had not assumed it was a tummy bug, her son would still be with them.  Insert: panic and prayer, my go-to.  I prayed hard for my boy.  Please, don't let this be anything.  I will take him to the doctor in the morning for tests.  Soon after my praying and pleading with God, my answer came.  I have never been so grateful for explosive diarrhea.  That was a sure sign that it was, indeed, a tummy bug.  After the diarrhea began, he never threw up again.  But he did have that explosiveness for 2 days.  Could not even drink a sip of water without it rushing out.


And then, there was Olivia.  My precious little girl.  We thought it was over, but then as soon as Will was on the mend, it hit Little Livi.  She woke up crying in the middle of the night that her back hurt.  Her back?  Why would her back hurt?  I rubbed her back and she said she felt better, so I went back to bed.  A few minutes later, she started crying again that her back hurt her.  Then, the gagging.  I got her to the bathroom in time.  She threw up.  Took her to the other bathroom where she threw up a few more times and then it turned to diarrhea.  

I called the doctor.  We had already been at it for nearly a week.  Will was still on the mend, eating nothing but a BRAT diet.  The doctor said it sounded like Rotovirus.  The kids ARE vaccinated, so this was a milder version.  Geesh  I'd hate to see what a full version looked like.

I became VERY familiar with the hall bathroom at Larry and Neva's.  Having spent 3 nights sleeping on the floor.  Will had watched Tornado Chasers on the iPad.  Olivia just sang songs.  

After 10 days, the bug seemed to be through.  Just in time for Will to start school.  I had been really worried that he would miss his first day.  No one else got the bug.  Adults don't get Rotovirus.  Please, let this be the last tummy bug for a looooong time.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Home Visit and Offer Info

Ms. Shields came to the house today.  She was very nice.  Will felt very comfortable with her.  He opened the door for her and they sat and he did a puzzle.  He then showed her his favorite toy, some trucks.  We chatted for a while and then sat down for some snacks.  Will poured her some lemonade and offered her a cookie.  She declined, but he was excited to have one.

As for the Abelia house.  Oh. My. Goodness.

I just wanted it listed.  But, Nick insisted that we have the roof cleaned.  He said that the outdoor photo would be the first one people see and with our roof's condition, it screamed "Foreclosure".  Now, that is a bit extreme, but we trust him.  The roof cleaning could not happen until Tuesday.  Steve oversaw it and I am glad he did.  The photo was taken and our house was listed Tuesday at 4pm.

Wednesday, I kept getting alerts from ADT that people were going in our house.  Not going to lie, I checked the security camera and watched them....that was eerie.  Two guys in gym clothes were in our house for an hour and a half.  I texted Nick and asked if that was a good sign.  He said yes.  Another guy came later (looked like Steve's brother).

We got an offer!  In less than 24 hours from listing!  House is listed for $339k.  Offer was for $330k.  But...Nick said he was expecting a second offer the next day.

We got a 2nd offer on Thursday...for $336k.  Went back to first guy.  He went up to $344k.  5k above asking!!! We accepted.  Our house is now under contract.

That doesn't happen!  God's hand is all in this.  I know it.  There is no way things work out this well on their own.  And we certainly didn't do it.  This new house is going to be a blessing.  And we are going to bless others by entertaining, by the neighbors we will meet, in ways that maybe we don't even know yet.  But it is obvious that God is with us every step of the way.