Another round of the stomach bug is going around. Whatver. We survived the last one. It was time for me and Steve to finally have a date night and celebrate a belated Valentine's Day. Matt and Karen were going to watch the kids.
Olivia always complains that her back hurts in the car. Sometimes it is a tag in her shirt poking her. Sometimes, it is just that she is sick of sitting in the seat. However, "my back hurts" is also what Olivia exclaims right before she throws up.
She hollered this several times on the way out to Conway. We ignored. She says this all the time. I started to get a little worried. She looked a little pale. We were probably two minutes away from the Floods' house when I turned around just in time to see Olivia projectile vomit all over herself, her carseat, the seat in front of her....everywhere.
I called Karen in a panic. We would not be bringing the kids. We pulled into the Publix near their house to start cleaning up. We opened the trunk and all the doors and windows to air out the car. I ran inside to get bags, Clorox wipes, etc. Steve had to completely disassemble the carseat as we cleaned. Olivia proceeded to throw up 3 more times, this time, into bags.
Passers by were actually very kind, offering help.
Ugh. It was awful. We had to pull over on the way home so she could throw up again.
It took her a few days to recover. She was a little out of sorts.
William never threw up, but he got a fever. I cannot help but wonder if maybe he did have a trace of a bug and the PFAPA activated to kill it off.
Poor buddy was miserable. But we gave him Prednisolone and 4 hours later...