Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bunk Beds!!!

Olivia outgrew her bed a few months ago. Because she had a mini crib, rather than a full-size crib, our big girl needed something new.  While we searched and debated, she slept in the ole' Pack n Play.  But we knew she could not stay in there forever.

The solution? Bunk beds. I have always said that if we ever got bunk beds, I wanted the kind with stairs instead of a ladder for both safety and storage reasons.

We found exactly what we are looking for and couldn't be happier.  I think the kids agree.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Santa 2015

We went to see Santa Claus at the Millennia Mall on Friday night.  I know it is a bit early, but I have learned the trick: if you go before Thanksgiving, there is no line.  If you go after?  2 hour minimum.  My kids are not going to change much in the next few weeks, so we went.

Will was perfect.  He could be the poster child for Santa pictures.  He asked Santa for a training wheels bike and a Millenium Falcon.

Olivia?  Well, at first she did not realize that she was sitting next to "the big man", but you can see where she figures it out.

Poor baby.  In time, she will learn to love Santa Claus.

Monday, October 26, 2015

St. Luke's Pumpkin Patch 2015

Today, we visited the pumpkin patch.  The kids were excited to run around and play with all of the pumpkins.  Getting them to stay still for a photo was another thing altogether.

On Friday, Will is going to have his Halloween parade at school followed by "Pumpkins with Dad" where all of the dads of his class go with the kids to carve pumpkins.

I love the way her eyes pop in this one

I sometimes simply marvel over how beautiful Olivia is

This sure is heavy

Got Will dressed and he insisted on wearing a tie.  

Don't I look good in my tie, Mommy?

This is even heavier

And forget about getting a decent picture of them together

Still trying to lift a pumpkin

Will! Look up!

That doesn't look comfortable

Squirmy worm

Will absolutely adores his big sister

And she adores him

Olivia was quite content to just walk around

My silly ones

More squirming

She kind of looks like she is in pain.  I am tickling her.

Strike a pose, baby girl!

Look what I found, Mommy!

I love his crazy faces

One kid would have a good smile, the other would not be looking

The money shot!!!

My sweetness